It's Cryin' Time Again

JK Rowling got her inspiration from somewhere. Some people speak of muses- you know, those divine sprits that gave inspiration to the artist. The Greeks many years ago started out with only three but I guess competition for their favours grew, and they discovered a whole bunch more. What I don't understand, is that there doesn't seem to be one for the visual arts. Sure, comedy, tragedy, poetry, song, dance and memory all have their guardians. But what about painting, carving, sculpting? Were these considered lesser arts? Were they too much of the worldly sphere? So here I am, a so-called visual artist, without a muse, drawing JK Rowling, who could pick from amongst Clio, Mneme, and Polymnia, among others. No fair! Except I do have one, I am certain. And I don't want to piss her or him off, so I have to not criticize. My muse lately has been encouraging me to do work on the computer, so here you see a digital piece. If it sucks, blame my muse. Just kidding. I love you, muse. Don't leave me! As you can see, it's a tense relationship. As soon as I get a bit angry or frustrated, my muse is out the door. Sometimes he skips town entirely and doesn't come back for weeks. He doesn't even tell me where he goes, but comes back with a tan and smells of the sea, and I get the feeling he's been cheating. When Ray Charles says "Oh, it's cryin' time again, you're gonna leave me. I can see that far away look in your eyes," I'm pretty sure he was talking about his muse. I understand totally. They make us cry. But we always take them back.


Ned said…
wonderfull shantala...I saw the other post and are very beatifull...sorry for my english:)...
Oleg Portnoy said…
Nice piece I love the memoirs that go along with the artwork by the way. Don't worry I'm sure those all guy trips to Cancun are nothing like what they show in the girls gone wild videos… at least I think.

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