The Sleep of the Just

So, my final thoughts on sleep: darkness is crucial to the endeavor, and I don't mean physical darkness, I mean a darkness of the soul. We talk about sleeping the sleep of the just, the innocent, the sleep of babes, but all this is just a cover. When we sleep, we let the dark and the chaotic in. Our thoughts become mad dreams. This is when we dance our frenzied rituals, sip from forbidden wells and make the ancient gods proud.


Oleg Portnoy said…
Shantal, I love the descriptions that you leave with your pieces, I'm not even kidding, they're so poetic. I usually can't think of much to say about mine. I guess it requires a more mature and seasoned mind ;)
Ned said…
your art is elegance and poetic.
compliments, shantal...
Vikram said…
Yeah Shala, you vivid, but concise descriptions accompany your pictures very well.

Also, I love the darkness billowing like some sort of noxious gas.
Bianca Zorzi said…
I love the curtains, the deep sea of storm... he is so unsuspecting, and trusting. This is a great series. Beautiful. Decorative (of course I love it..)

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